Montessori Scope and Sequence: Infant
Montessori students are encouraged to express their feelings and use their senses to explore their world from a very young age. Fine motor, gross motor, auditory discrimination, self expression, and practical life skills are promoted through lessons and materials. With these goals in mind, the sequence of lessons and materials is important. The Infant category is divided into sub-categories that contain lessons sequenced in the order in which they would be introduced for most children in many Montessori classrooms.
The Infant Scope and Sequence is displayed in the following “online magazine” format. Lessons/Materials are listed on the spreadsheet, sequenced the same as they are in the Montessori Compass online record keeping software. The Infant category differs from the other 9 categories, as it is a standalone curriculum. For instance, the Mathematics Scope and Sequence will contain lessons that are tagged to cycle years ranging from Toddler through Age 12 (Grade 6). The Infant category lists the age range as part of the lesson name.